Textiles are products that symbolize closeness, character, and liveliness. All Merz b. Schwanen textiles are made in a unique and traditional way from natural materials to guarantee that authentic vintage look and feel. For the production of our quality textiles, we use varying fibers with very distinct properties.
In order to maintain these characteristics as long as possible, and to enjoy your textiles for a long time, they require the appropriate care.

Please take the care label instructions to heart.
Here you find the proper washing and care instructions for every garment.

We have developed our very own washing detergent, which is extremely fiber- & skin-friendly thanks to all-natural ingredients. We recommend the use of color detergent – also for white and natural textiles.
Due to environmental and skin-friendly reasons, we do not use any bleaching or optical whites. The bleach and optical brightener used in heavy-duty detergents may reduce color brilliance and may also change the nuances of our natural white tones.
Our special detergents will not change the condition of your new favorite garments and keep them as nice as they are. All that you can enjoy your authentic vintage garment for as long as possible. A small amount of the washing concentrate in each laundry is enough to give your textiles the best care possible.

Please use a low-spinning program with a maximum of 1000 revolutions per minute for washing.
Pull into shape carefully after washing.

All garments love air more than a tumble dryer – and Mother Earth, too.
To prolong your joy with your favorite garment best let it air-dry.

As all Merz b. Schwanen products, each knit garment is carefully manufactured with a lot of experience and great attention to detail. Our wool products are crafted from high-quality fibers, ensuring they remain entirely natural.
Every product, whether entirely composed of merino wool or featuring it, is guaranteed to be certified mulesing-free.
Here are a few care tips to enjoy your wool items for a long time.
GOOD ORIGINALS & GOOD BASICS – what's the difference?
The GOOD ORIGINALS are differently pre-treated differently than the GOOD BASICS garments.